New Jersey Emergency

NJ Emergency is a resource to help you find the emergency service you need. If you are in danger call 911 or other appropriate local agencies, otherwise, we have the emergency service you require.

NJ Emergency lists some common emergency services in New Jersey. From emergency water damage restoration to plumbing, glass repair and veterinarian services - at NJ Emergency we hope to be able to help you find a quick solution to your emergency.

New Jersey Emergency Numbers

For a list of phone numbers for your particular emergency, check the tabs above to match the category your need. Keep in mind that while we list some of the phone numbers, we do not have every local service listed and you may need to check alternate sources. Some information on this site may become outdated or may be inaccurate, in addition, please keep in mind that not all emergency services are available 24 hours a day. Also, some may have changed their hours or no longer offer immediate emergency services.

Here are a list of some of the services we have listed to help you find a New Jersey Emergency Number.

  • New Jersey Emergency Water Damage Restoration
  • New Jersey Emergency Plumbing
  • New Jersey Emergency Dental Care
  • New Jersey Emergency Tooth Extraction
  • New Jersey Emergency Glass Repair
  • New Jersey Emergency Veterinarian
  • New Jersey Emergency Animal Hospital

Emergency preparedness is something that all families should think about. The time to think about emergency preparedness is BEFORE an emergency. The time you save by being prepared could save a life. It's always best to have a list of common New Jersey emergency services on hand before an emergency than having to search for them during an emergency.